Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm currently working hard to make this blog your automatic go-to when you're in need of roomspiration and DIY projects. Have fun!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cute Quote Painting

This is a really creative way to make your favorite quote on display in your room.

What you'll need:
  • A painting
  • Vinyl letters
  • Scissors
  • White paint (or whichever color you want to be the background)
  • Paint brush
Step by step instruction:
  1. Cut out your letters and arrange them how you want to. 
  2. Attach the letters to the painting. 
  3. Paint the color you chose over your letters. 
  4. Let dry.
  5. Peel off the letters, and you should have a really cool painting!


  1. hey cousin i was wondering if u could put some new blogger tips on this blog cuz all these cool tricks you use r awesome and i kinda really want to know how to do it and thx for the comment on my blog my freinds have something blogs like mine and i wanted 1 too.

  2. omg im meeting rhinna on weds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have any suggestions, questions, or just comments on my work? Please comment down below, I'd love to hear it!